Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Online Tactics-Cater Your Future Class

I must not be getting messy with your potential as promising Teacher.
But here is a humble experience of mine to share with you. You must have gone
through my previous Posts, didn’t you? Even if you didn’t, don’t worry I am
going to write regularly whatever I could write to help you, if minded. Today I
wish to share a sample lesson strategy or you probably call it a Lesson Plan.
Planning is really a good thing. Even a failure owns the plan- ‘Not Planning’.
Online surfing and searching for the appropriate materials would add boost to your teaching style, believe me. Look for helpful forums where you could discuss the ways of modern technologies to incarporate in your methodologies. I am not at all suggesting the "copy and paste " policy, rather exploring and utilising material to cater the needs of your pupils.

So get yourself ready for Planning your performance in and, even outside the class i.e. Pre-class. Have a good presentation structure: for an example the following might help and give you idea to have built your own;



Overview & Purpose (What will be learned and why it is useful)

Objectives (Specify skills/information that will be learned.)

Materials (pencils,web, charts, etc.)

Information (Give and/or demonstrate necessary information)

Verification (Steps to check for student understanding)

Resources (Web, books, etc.)

Activity (Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson)

Summary (Brief description of the Content used)

Evaluation/Self-Analysis (How well you did/What went wrong or right & why? etc.)

Have questions and ideas: ask and share. You are always welcome.

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